What is your current living situation?
How do you feel about your current renting situation?
I'm saving up to make the switch
I'm ready to move into home ownership
I'm content with renting for now
I'm eploring my options for the future
How important is homeownership to you?
Very important
Not a priority right now
What is your biggest concern about buying a home?
Finding the right mortgage rates
The overall financial commitment
Saving enough for a down payment
Chosing the right location
What is your current employment status?
Full-time employee
Part-time employee
Self employeed
How would you describe your current financial situation?
I'm broke after I pay my bills
I'm working on building my savings
I have a decent saving account
I have good saving and other investements
What is your annual income?
Less than $40,000
$40,000 - $70,000
$70,000 - $100,000
Over $100,000
Do you have any outstanding debts (e.g., student loans, credit cards, car loans)?
Yes, significant debt
Yes, but manageable
No significant debt
What is your current credit score?
700 or higher
650 - 699
600 - 649
Below 600
For a $300,000 home loan, do you have any savings for a down payment?
Yes, I have over $60,000 saved
Yes, I have between 30k and 60k saved
Yes, I have between 5k and 29k
Less than $5000
How much of a monthly payment can you comfortably afford, and have plenty of money left over for other bills, and your social life, and savings?
Less than $1000
$1000 - $1500
$1500 - $2000
Over $2000
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